艾琳•孔. “铂金的地标”
Irene Kung: Platinum Landmarks
M97画廊联手北京东景缘将展出瑞士艺术家艾琳•孔(Irene Kung)的新展览“铂金的地标”。在过去的十年里,艾琳•孔多次前往中国,创作了一系列专注于中国风景和标志性建筑的作品,从长城到云南省的南岳。这是艾琳•孔在上海的首次个展。同时北京东景缘画廊正在展出西藏和云南大画幅彩色风景部分的作品。
M97 Gallery - in partnership with Temple Beijing - is pleased to present a new exhibition “Platinum Landmarks” by Swiss artist Irene Kung. Making several trips to China over the last decade, Kung has created a body of work focusing on Chinese landscapes and iconic architecture ranging from the Great Wall to the southern mountings of Yunnan Province. This is Irene Kung’s first solo exhibition in Shanghai. Temple Beijing is currenlty exhibiting Irene’s large-format color landscape works from Tibet and Yunnan.
Irene Kung is best known for her photographs of monumental architecture from cities around the world emerging from the dark. The symbols of Rome, New York, Buenos Aires, Moscow, are suspended in a dream-like state where only the architecture is visible. “In her photos, cathedrals become the heavenly palaces they must have seemed to the faithful who knew nothing of architecture and structural engineering."
Monuments retain their identity and their geographical location, and yet in the process of leaving the earth to float upward into the unconscious, they shed the dry husks of culture and of purpose to become wondrous abstractions” (Francine Prose, 2013)
Since the beginning of the 2010s, her focus has shifted toward Nature and trees. In the artist’s words: “In my way of working it is possible to reinstate the tree to what I felt. That is exactly what I do with my work: I remove everything unessential in order to show the tree as it is, as I feel it. It is intuition, it is irrational: rationality can be misleading, sentiment cannot.
Irene kung 她作为画家开始了自己的职业生涯并取得了成功。最近几年,她将精力集中于摄影事业。她曾拍摄过一些城市和建筑,在此过程中她设法捕捉一些肉眼不易察觉的细节。2011年秋天,她在中国进行了为期一个月的旅行,本次展览作品摄于
Irene kung started her career as a painter and achieved success. In recent years she has concentrated her efforts on her photographic career. She has photographed cities and buildings, in the process managing to capture details that are not readily apparent to the naked eye, and in the autumn of 2011 she travelled for a month in China, during which the works in this exhibition were taken, giving her a dreamy version of iconic Chinese cities and buildings, in this case Pingyao, Shanxi.
铂金钯金(铂钯) 冲印在外观和性能上都是任何现代印刷技术所无法比拟的。这些摄影作品由于其寿命和外观而受到艺术收藏家的青睐。铂钯印象的色调范围是无可比拟的,即使是现代数字喷墨打印机。最终的颜色色调范围可以从暖黑色到红褐色,中间色调有一系列的灰色。对于收藏照片的人来说,铂钯印相工艺以其美感、档案稳定性和独特的、独一无二的冲印而闻名。铂金工艺是所有摄影工艺中最耐用的。她所有的照片都是在意大利米兰的工作室中纯手工完成。
Platinum palladium prints are unparalleled by any modern printing technique, both in appearance and performance. These prints are favored by art collectors due to their longevity and appearance. The tonal range of platinum palladium prints are unmatched, even by modern digital inkjet printers. The final color tonality can range from warm black, to reddish brown, with a range of grays in the midtones. For people who collect photographs, platinum/palladium prints are renowned for their beauty, archival stability, and unique, one-of-a-kind print statement.Platinum prints are the most durable of all photographic processes. And Irene's photographs are handmade in Milan, Italy studio.
Irene Kung lives and works in Switzerland. Kung has had many solo and group shows around the world. This is her first solo exhibition in Shanghai and at M97.

"Platinum Landmarks" Selected Works: